Monday, January 12, 2009

Writing in my blog – one of my New Year’s Resolutions

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to start writing…to my family, friends and myself. I use to journal a long time ago…before my accident. I would like to start again. I decided to write more often in my blog, and share my love for Jesus with you too.

Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

Yesterday, we celebrated the Baptism of Jesus. Jesus shows us how the water cleanses us...and the Holy Spirit fills us with all that is Love and True. The Baptism of Jesus…is the end of the Christmas Season.

We are usually anxious to get all the Christmas decorations up and the clutter all put away. Every year, I get less and less anxious to put away all the reminders of Christmas…the Nativity scenes, the pretty trees…they all remind me of the strength of that we long for from Jesus.

I absolutely love the Advent Season, I always have, I love everything about the steps we take in preparing for the Birth of Jesus..."rebirth of love in our hearts". The gathering of family and friends, the heighten awareness of charitable actions, the music, I love the miracles we hear about on Christmas morning…that are retold over and over again.

You may be thinking, we can do these things without the Christmas Season, Yes we can! But we don't, not because we don't want to...but the hectic schedules of many can make it difficult. If we only could, we would see that “Love” being born every day.

We are given life savers during the year… the special feasts days...that touch our hearts, they open our hearts afresh to be "reborn with the Love of Jesus".


Micki said...

I look forward to your posting more and sharing with us your beautiful thoughts. I'm sure your Advent preparation and waiting made your Holy Christmas even more loving and enjoyable.

Prayerflowers said...

Hi Precious Micki,
Thank you for stopping by...I pray I am able to write as often as I like. Your id picture is adorable.
Please feel free to join in sharing with me. I would love it!
Love you...Sweet Angel!

Michele said...

drop by the garden:) haven't seen you in awhile:)

Prayerflowers said...

Hi Marilena, thank you for stopping by. I had a health setback. I have prayed that I would be able to start back up again soon.
You are very precious to visit and say hi...God bless you, Marilena.